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Take the Challenge!

This is our fun Beginners Quiz!

Ok - you've sat through one of our Beginners Beekeeping Course sessions and listened to us for a couple of hours - now it's time to see if you can remember any of what we taught you!


Try our easy fun quiz and see how well you can remember what you have learnt with us - but no cheating!


The link to each quiz will only be available for one week after the Beginners Course session


Select a quiz to try and the quiz will display on-screen.  Each quiz has just 10 simple questions with multiple choice answers.  But be aware ... there may be more than one correct answer in the list!  If there is more than one, you only need to choose one of the correct answers.


Add your email address and you'll get your results emailed to you straight away.  You can also view your results immediately after you complete the quiz and have submitted your answers.

Week 1 - Some History ...
Week 3 - The Swarming Process
Week 5 - Boxes & Frames
Week 2 - Colony Organisation
Week 4 - Pests & Diseases
Week 6 - The Good Stuff!
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